Continuously improving your experience as the customer is core to the Teknon culture. A large part of this is implementing technology, processes, and expertise at every stage of your project, allowing us to minimize and mitigate risk.
In 2019, Teknon formally merged with LINX to help expand their nationwide footprint. LINX is headquartered in Denver and specializes in Network Cabling, Mission Critical, Audio-Visual, Security and Wireless solutions.
At Teknon, we forge alliances with unions to foster employment stability and ensure bright futures for our dedicated employees and their families, leveraging our union memberships as a vital arm in the PNW and a valuable partner in collaboration with unions nationwide.

After nearly 40 years in the industry, we know how to deliver projects that stay within budget and stay on schedule. We employ lean delivery practices to help reduce redundancies and save money on labor and materials.

We have built relationships with the top manufactures, distributors, designers, and professional organizations to ensure we can provide the best solutions for our clients.
In addition to the above risk management categories, we’ve ingrained risk management processes throughout your project’s duration, including:
- Teknon Trax: an online tool shared internally at Teknon that allows us to track every detail of our project (materials, labor, etc.) to provide you with accurate project updates. This tool also tracks the equipment that we install and allows us a simple way to test each piece of equipment and ensure its integrity before completing the project.
- TrackVia: an online tool that allows Teknon to create new applications with catered solutions to project needs. We can track site certifications, material delivery, and pay applications as well as create new applications when needed.